Next Books in Farthingdale Ranch Series

I'm Ready to Work!

Currently, all three books in my Farthingdale Ranch series are in the top 50 Best Sellers in LGBTQ + Literary Fiction. Which seems rather nice to me, and it’s nice to bask in that, not just because I feel like I made a good choice shifting to cowboy romance, but also because readers seem to be enjoying the results!




What’s ahead for Jackie, now that Ranch Hand is out in the world? Well, I’ll tell you.

First up, I am starting work on The Wrangler and the Orphan today. That involves finalizing the outline and also, as a treat, it involves printing out images to inspire the story. I’ll show you the Wall o’ Pics when it’s ready to be seen.

The Wrangler is about Brody Calhoun, who is the wrangler on the ranch. Are there expectations that you have for Brody’s story? He’s the wrangler in the title…..can you guess who the Orphan is?

This is what a wrangler does, according to my research:

“A wrangler is an individual involved in the process of taming, controlling and handling various animals, specifically horses. Traditionally this process involves herding cattle and bringing horses in from the paddock. Wranglers often work for other cowboys or tourists who want to ride on North American ranches.”

Second up, I also will be working on a Christmas story, so thanks to everyone who sent in ideas for what they wanted. Since everything gets booked early, I’ll be sending in ideas to my cover artist, which is always fun.

And third up, I will be sending descriptions of characters to Jen Fowler, who will be doing (TA DA!) Chibis for the Farthingdale Ranch series!

I debated this for some time, then decided I loved her work so much, and readers have been enjoying the chibi magnets for my time travel romances, so yes! Those will be coming soon – I’ll have order forms for those magnets when they’re ready.

Let me know if you have any questions, okay?